The registration year for dogs runs from 01 July to 30 June each year. You must ensure that your dogs are registered by the end of September* for the current registration year.
Register your dog online
When you register your dog you will receive a tag that is to be placed on the dog’s collar. The collar and tag should be worn by the dog at all times to be able to clearly identify it.
All dogs, including working (farm) dogs, must be registered before they reach the age of 12 weeks and every year after that.
Dogs must be registered at the address that they spend most of their time, so if you live in Auckland during the week and come up to Mangawhai on the weekends your dog must be registered in Auckland as this is your main place of residence.
The current annual dog registration fee can be found in the KDC Fees and Charges. All adult dogs must be registered by 30 September, if you are late registering your dog, a higher registration fee will apply. All dogs must be registered by the time they are 12 weeks old. Fees for new puppies registered during the year depend on when you register your pup. For example, if you register a pup in January, you only pay for the remaining six months of the registration year.
How to pay for your dog's registration
If your dog is currently registered Council will send you a registration reminder in July. That will give you about six weeks to register your dog.
If you pay before 01 October you will pay the standard fee. If you pay after 01 October you will be required to pay the higher fee.
If you are found with an unregistered dog you may be issued with a fine and your dog may be impounded.
Pay online or over the counter (cash, eftpos) at Kaipara District Council offices in Dargaville or Mangawhai.
Please make sure you attach (or have with you) your completed and signed dog registration form showing any changes in dog details since the previous registration.
How much does it cost to register my dog?
You can find out how much it costs to register a dog in our Fees and Charges.
Where does the registration money go?
Your dog's registration fee helps fund the activities of Council's animal management services. This means that the cost of providing a professional dog management service is shared between all dog owners.
What are the benefits of dog registration?
Kaipara District Council is required by law to ensure that all dogs within the Council district are registered. Registration indicates to Council that the owner is aware of their legal responsibilities as a dog owner. These responsibilities are contained in the Dog Control Act 1996 and the Kaipara District Policy on Dogs and Dog Management Bylaw.
Registration tags
Registered dogs receive a colour-coded tag that must be worn at all times on their collar. The colour changes each year. With this tag, your dog can be easily identified and returned to you if he is found wandering. Other registered dogs, that may be upsetting your pet or causing you a problem to your family or property, can also be identified and incidents followed up with their owners.
If your dog loses its tag, there is a small charge to replace it. The replacement tag will have a new registration number.
Change of address
If you change your address or give your dog to someone else to look after, either permanently or for longer than 14 days, you must tell us. If you and your dog change address but remain in the same Council area, please contact us within 14 days.
If you or your dog move to another area, find out what you need to do to transfer your registration by contacting the council in that area (usually you will go into the new council and simply swap your currently registration tag for a new one in the new area) at no charge.
If your dog dies
If your dog dies, please complete the Deceased Dog Application Form. If possible attach a certificate from your vet before sending us notification. You must actually request a refund in writing. Forms are available from either the Dargaville or the Mangawhai Council offices. Once we receive your notification, we will refund your registration for every full month remaining in the registration year. For example if your dog is currently registered and dies in September, provided that we have received notification during that same month, the registration fee will be refunded from October until the end of the financial year which is 30 June annually.
Puppies need to be registered by the time they are 12 weeks old (3 months). It is best to apply for your registration well before that date.
Special permits
If you live in a residential zone and own, or are keeping, more than two dogs you will need to apply for a permit for that property. Application forms may be completed online or downloaded from the website or you may telephone the Customer Services Team on 0800 727 059 to have one sent to you.
You will need to get the signatures of neighbours and your landlord if you rent your house. The history of you as a dog owner and that of your dogs will be taken into consideration; also the cleanliness and size of the kennelling facilities on your property.
If you move address or acquire a different dog, you will need to re-apply for another permit.