Apply for or changing a resource consent

The time it takes for a resource consent application will vary depending on the complexity of the application and whether or not you have provided us with sufficient information.

When you need resource consent

You need resource consent if your proposed building work, development or activity does not comply with the District Plan or a National Environmental Standard.

Meet with us before you apply

Before you apply for resource consent for your project, we recommend you arrange a pre-application meeting with us to discuss your plans and get some advice. It may save you some time and money.

Apply for a resource consent

Once you have worked out that you need a resource consent, you will need to gather together the relevant information. While it is possible to prepare an application yourself, it is often advisable to talk to a planning consultant due to the technical nature of resource consents. Planning consultants are able to advise on the merits of your activity and if appropriate, prepare and lodge your resource consent application on your behalf.

You will need to complete an Application Form and we recommend that you use our helpful checklist to ensure you provide all of the required information.  A hard copy of this information is available from our customer service centres in Dargaville or Mangawhai.

An Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) is a key component of a resource consent application. An AEE is a written statement which identifies the effects of your proposed activity or activities on the environment so we can assess the likely impact of the proposal.

Effects on the environment that you will need to consider can be short-term or long-term, positive or negative, and may include:

  • Traffic, access and parking
  • heritage or streetscape character
  • Visual amenity
  • overshadowing of properties
  • reduction in privacy
  • noise and vibration
  • flooding
  • stability of land
  • infrastructure (capacity)
  • people and community
  • ecology.

Get specialist input if needed

Depending on your application, you may need to obtain a report from a technical specialist. For example, if effects on the landscape and natural character of an area, or visual effects, are an issue for your project, you may need to engage a landscape architect to prepare a report assessing the effects of your project.  Or, if you are in a flood zone, you may need to engage an engineer with experience in flooding assessment and design.

Common types of applications that trigger specialist input are:

  • Impermeable surfaces breach – stormwater report/design by an engineer (Engineering NZ, ACENZ)
  • Contaminated site – site investigations (as necessary) by a suitably qualified and experienced practitioner
  • Archaeological sites – assessment by an archaeologist
  • Traffic or parking breaches – assessment by a traffic engineer
  • Environmental Benefit Subdivision – assessment by an ecologist
  • Subdivision or development in visually sensitive areas, or of an unanticipated type, density or scale – assessment from a landscape architect and/or urban designer
  • Medium-large scale earthworks, or earthworks in sensitive or unstable areas – assessment by a geotechnical engineer
  • Subdivision or development with the potential to affect cultural values – cultural impact assessment by the relevant iwi/hapu

Vertical datum for resource consents

The current Kaipara District Council Engineering Standards refer to One Tree Point (OTP) for the required vertical datum used in consent applications. From 2022 Kaipara District Council will only accept data in the new vertical datum NZVD2016. This change is in line with current good practice and allows Kaipara District Council to provide assurance across the District that levels data is consistent.

The New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016 (NZVD2016) is the official vertical datum for New Zealand and its offshore islands. From 27 June 2016 New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016 (NZVD2016) replaced the NZVD2009 as the official national vertical datum for New Zealand. NZVD2016 is formally defined in the LINZ standard LINZS25009 (Standard for New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016).

More information can be found at LINZ.

You may apply to change your resource consent if you wish to make changes to your plans or if the conditions that were imposed are no longer appropriate.  You will need to complete an Application Form (under Section 127 of the Act) and provide an AEE.

Lodge your application with us

Once your application is complete, you will need to lodge an electronic copy with Council. You will also need to pay the associated Application Fee and until this is paid the Council will not accept your application. 

You can provide an electronic copy of your application via email to

Next steps…

Following lodgement of an application, it will be checked for completeness by a Council planner under s88 of the RMA.  If an application does not contain the required information it will be considered to be incomplete.  In this case, the application will be returned to you and this will incur a fee as per the current fees and charges.