LGOIMA Responses 2022

Email administrationrequests@kaipara.govt.nz if you would like a copy of the LGOIMA listed below. 


Requested by


10  Oliver Simpson                           Mangawhai Town Plan
11  Farrah Hancock - Radio New Zealand Outdoor CCTV cameras
12 Magnus Pechan Full per-iteration quota information for 2019 election
Will Daly
Internal communications regarding pausing, delaying or terminating work due to the Three Waters Reform
21  Office of the Auditor-General TVDD legal advice
24  Jonathan Larsen Resource Consent decisions for Kapawiti Road subdivisions
24  Niels Schipper Bike and walking track on Brown Road
24  Kirsty and Aaron Hunt Wonderview Lane minutes for walking tracks
27  Jo Gough Larsen property development plans


01 Ryan Campbell TDB Advisory Ltd Historical heritage sites
03  Raymond and Bronwyn Leemeyer Minutes of pre-application meeting
04  Niels Schipper Spraying of plants
08 Charles Barclay ESRI-shapefiles for land drainage district and Te Kopuru stormwater
16  Ingmar Birgden - Cost Optimisation Major recurring maintenance contract expenditure


07  Charles Barclay Land drainage district maps
09  Grace Haden Kai Iwi Lakes vaccine passes
14  Emily Collings - GWE Consulting Organisation Chart - Three Waters in particular
14  Sharon George Vaccine passes at Council properties
15  Politician Paturiri Toautu Elected Members expenses and amounts paid
21  Trent Simpkin - Arcline Building consents issued 2021
22  Dereck Weston Proof of Councillor
23  Taxpayers Union Expenses and budgets
24  Tim Chambers Fluoride in water supplies
31  Jacqui Brook Resource consent decisions on subdivisions in Cames, Lawrence and Devich roads


01  Bill Berry Forestry targeted rate
04  Xavier Radic Ownership of East End Dairy
05  Alisa Barker Racecourse plan change application
06  Bronwyn Carruthers Documentation relating to RM210053
12  Joel Cayford Resource consents for past 10 years for DP 559362
14  Mark Vincent Subdivisions in Petley Road, Paparoa
19  Forest and Bird Climate Change Strategy, SNL's, Biodiversity Strategy
20  Robert Thomas - First Build Building consent numbers
26  Sam White New homes building consents for Dargaville
27  Ueli Sasagi  Historical information relating to Mangawhai Park
28  FENZ Waste management data


02  Tim Andrews Infringement notices and amounts for all stationary vehicle offences
02  Jack Boltar Building and resource consent numbers, staff turnover, changes for resource consents
03  Taxpayers Union Annual ratepayers report
09  Sharon George Three Waters consultation and feedback
11  Alexandra Martin Copies of feedback of Three Waters support
11  Cr De La Varis-Woodcock PEX contract documents
12  Alexandra Martin Email and letters for accepting $16.1m grant
23  Clive Boonham Balance tank costs
23  Hugo Fletcher - Russell McVeagh Kaipara Moana Remediation documents
23  Hugo Fletcher - Russell McVeagh Auckland Regional Landfill
23  Cheryl Carmichael - Baylys Beach Society Financial and Development Contributions for Baylys Beach


02  David Thomson Correspondence for RM210113
07  Joshua Marshall Communities for local democracy consultation
07  Anusha Bradley - Radio New Zealand Media staff, salary and queries
16  Clive Boonham Balance tank costs further requests
20 Victoria Del La Varis-Woodcock 42 Hokianga Road - engineering/construction plans and report on demolition
20  Matthew O'Connor Building consent numbers for past three years
22  Charlotte Wilson Ivy Lane level data
27  Victoria Del La Varis-Woodcock Waste Minimisation education work to Para Kore Ltd
30  Randall McDonnell GNS Science Budgets and actuals for investment intentions in various areas of science research


04  Fish and Game Research and monitoring on trout release at Kai Iwi Lakes
05  Burnette O'Connor RM220171 application
11 Auckland Psychiatrist Medical records
18  Victoria Del La Varis-Woodcock Rates comparative with rural councils
18  Corinne Callinan Mangawhai Central developers agreement


01  Mr Helm Cameras with automatic number plate recognition
02  Chris Hoult 583A Arapohue Road Dargaville
09  Victoria Del La Varis-Woodcock Funding Impact Statement, public debt and land subdivision reserves
10  Clive Boonham Sanitary Assessment Reports 2006
11  Triton Villarin Countdown and The Warehouse plans
11  Craig Jepson Staff structure and headcounts
12  Mark Ancrum Department salaries including contractors
12 Rachael Williams Mangawhai ports ground land purchase
12  Rachael Williams Candidate list order
15  Edward Sundstrum Vermont Street Partners RM210053 Scope and fee estimates
17  Ombudsman LIM for Weka Street
18  Josephine Nathan Process for special votes
18  Nicola Puharich Dargaville Bridge Club lease
19  Justine Baird Samples of granted resource consents
19  Clive Boonham Maintenance of Mangawhai central website
23  Victoria Del La Varis-Woodcock Finance queries
23  Mark Vincent Mangawhai Wastewater Treatment Plant balance tank costs
25  Tyrone Barugh Salary bands
29  Dave Launder Kotare Lane building information
29  Mike Howard Debt and auditing
29  Victoria Del La Varis-Woodcock Number of vacant roles and total staff
29  Rachael Williams Reserve and development contributions
29  Mark Vincent Ruawai building consents and subdivisions
30  Chris Sellars Current balance of 'reserve contributions'
31  Paturiri Toautu Number of Maori voters and highest concentration


01  Frank Newman Reserves account funds are allocated to and when
05  Mike Ferguson Appointment policy for the Mangawhai Community Wastewater Scheme Advisory Panel
05  Mike Ferguson Information on consultation Mangawhai Library
06  Victoria Del La Varis-Woodcock Further question - debt per ratepayer
07  Scott Lewis Complaints
09  George Keith New Zealand Motor Caravan Association - contents requirements
09  Mike Howard Information on road cones
12  Thomas Benison Urban water pricing data
16  Paul Rae New speed restriction signs costs
19  Nima Naleiki Cames Road
20  Melissa Johnson Subdivisions in Mangawhai rural zone
20  Martina Tschirky Mangawhai Activity Zone
20  Victoria Del La Varis-Woodcock DCDB contract
21  Payton Munro Animal management
21  Eugene Morgan-Coakle Staff numbers and consultant payments
28  Ron Manderson Breakdown of both internal (Council costs) and external costs (Spatial Planners)


03  Chris Sellars Maungaturoto public toilets - unisex
03  Martin Jenkins Council mistakes when checking candidate applications
06  Matthew O'Connor - Parliament Building consents issued 5 years
07  Matthew O'Connor - Parliament Building consent lapses and inspections
07  Kevin Bligh Resource consent for quarries
10  Ron Manderson District and Spatial Plans budget and expenditure
11  Victoria Del La Varis-Woodcock Parks and reserves maintenance contract - Downer and Iwi documentation
11  Victoria Del La Varis-Woodcock Code of Conduct complaint
11  Victoria De La Varis-Woodcock DCDB contract and tender renewal
11  Kathy Ballantyne Engineering standards for unsealed road metal
11  Victoria Del La Varis-Woodcock PowerPoint for the Mercury Energy Presentation and notes
11  Victoria Del La Varis-Woodcock Software recording and documents for June Council meeting
18  Kevin Bligh Quarry consent
19  Eugene Morgan-Coakle Further contractor/consultant questions
31  Ian MacDonald Omamari drainage area


01  Eugene Morgan-Coakle Further contractor/staff questions
01  Josua Grobler Higgins Family Holdings - quarry resource consents
02  Sandra Reed Employee and consultants costs
02  Cole and Ranken Flooding issues
08  Tim Osbaldiston Drain maintenance Wallace Road - weeds and services
09  Lands and Survey Invoices for PPC81
09  Minister of Transport - Maleki Funding for rural roads
10 Albert Loots Rates notice
10  Victoria Del La Varis-Woodcock Mana Whenua relationship building - Parks and Reserves contract
23  Connor Molloy - Taxpayers Union Council owned artwork
24  Holland Becklett Law Removal of segregation strip
25  Ian MacDonald List of drainage areas
28  Ombudsman Wastewater balance tank complaint
29  Jack Boltar - Parliament Three Waters debt and staff transition


01 Geoff Neal Three Waters polling summary
05 Sharon Necol Cultural training and whakapapa
07 Octavian Grigoriu Jones Road #1
07  Octavian Grigoriu Jones Road #2
07 Octavian Grigoriu Jones Road #3
08  Nick Williamson - Fluid Industries Isoplan data link or GIS files
09  Ellen Cieraad Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology LED installation
12 Sharon George Kaipara Kai reports
13 Colin Feslier Documents relating to Karakia/secularism
14 Leonie Exel Te Tiriti o Waiangi/cultural training
15 Sharon George Parks maintenance contract specs and scope
20 Sharon George Reward and recognition activities
22 Taxpayers Union 3 Waters transferral of assets and operation
22 Tanya Roko - Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Council housing