
Council has a range of policies, some that we are required to have by law and some we choose to have to support consistent decision-making. 

Finance and Rating Policies

Other Policies

These are the policies Council chooses to have to guide decision-making and to ensure consistent approaches are used in certain circumstances.  These policies are reviewed regularly.

Application of Sale proceeds to Debt Policy

Citizens Award Policy

Closed Circuit Television Policy

Community Assistance Policy

Complaints Policy

Customer Privacy Policy

Delegations Policy

Elected Member Allowance and Recovery of Expense Policy

Environmental Awards Policy

Fraud Policy

Gifts for Elected members policy

Hearing Commissioners Policy

Mangawhai Endowment Lands Account Policy

Non-Elected Member Remuneration Policy

Procurement Policy

Property Disposals and Acquisitions Policy

Reserve Contributions Policy

Roading Policy

Road Naming Policy

Smokefree Kaipara Policy

Whistleblowing (Protected Disclosures) Policy


Statutory Policies

Council is required to have a range of policies in place under various pieces of legislation and is some cases, Council can choose to adopt policies but is not required to have them.  For financial and rating policies see the above link.  This section lists the remaining statutory policies of Council.  These are reviewed regularly and usually Council must consult with the community before making any amendments.

Class 4 Gambling Venue Policy

Dangerous, Insanitary and Affected Buildings Policy

Dogs Policy and Dog Management Bylaw

Easter Sunday Shop Trading Policy

Significance and Engagement Policy

Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) Policy