Bylaws are local laws or regulations, enforceable by Council staff or nominated agencies or staff.
Most bylaws are made under the Local Government Act 2002. Some other Acts also empower the Council to make bylaws on specific topics, and the bylaws may be supported by accompanying policies.
Our bylaws cover a wide range of Council functions.
When making, amending or revoking a bylaw, we consult with the public before making a decision.
Alcohol Control Bylaw
This Bylaw's purpose is to reduce alcohol-related harm through the control of alcohol in public places.
The interactive map shows where an alcohol control area (liquor ban) is in place. People are not allowed to drink or possess alcohol in theses alcohol control areas, whether in the open or in a car during the hours stipulated on the map. The Bylaw allows for exceptions within an alcohol control area for events and special occasions.
Cemeteries and Crematoria Bylaw
The purpose of this Bylaw is to minimise public safety risks, distress, nuisance, damage to property, and interference with ground maintenance and operational activities in Council owned or operated cemeteries. To achieve this the Bylaw enables the Cemeteries and Crematoria Code of Practice which is designed to assist the public with better understanding of the rules that govern these spaces when using them.
Consolidated General Bylaw
This Bylaw includes an Introduction Part with some clauses that apply to all the other Parts of the Bylaw and eight individual Parts that cover a range of matters across the District. Click on the Consolidated General Bylaw 2020 link to see the full Bylaw or click into an individual Part if that is what you are specifically interested in.
Consolidated General Bylaw 2020 (amended 3 April 2024)
Part 3 Trading in Public Places
Dog Bylaw
This Bylaw sets standards of control that must be observed by dog owners, including the areas stipulated in the Policy on Dogs where dogs are prohibited or allowed on-leash or off-leash.
Signs Bylaw
The purpose of the Signs Bylaw is to protect public safety and the districts roading system from nuisance, and misuse. The Bylaw does this by enabling the Sign Standards. The Standards are designed to provide the public a better understanding of the rules when undertaking an activity using signs. The Bylaw and Sign Standards regulate:
- Council-owned or controlled land and property, including public places;
- Council-controlled roads, and road reserves; and
- A State Highway road reserve within the 70km per hour or less speed limited zone.
For signs on Private Property including businesses located along a State Highway within the 70km or less speed limited zone, the rules contained in the District Plan apply, and consent will be required if it does not fall into a permitted activity status.
For any other sign located on/in or that can be seen from a State Highway within the 70 km or higher speed limited zone, a sign owner will be required to obtain consent from Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency under their Signs of Highway Bylaw for their sign.
Stormwater and Land Drainage Bylaw
The Stormwater and Land Drainage Bylaw ensures Council's various stormwater and land drainage assets are appropriately protected and managed.
Taharoa Domain Bylaws 2019
This Bylaw supports the policies of the Reserve Management Plan for the Taharoa Domain in controlling the aquatic activities on lakes in the Reserve. It should be read in conjunction with Northland Regional Council’s Navigation Safety Bylaw 2017.
Wastewater Drainage Bylaw
Our Wastewater Drainage Bylaw ensures we can protect Council’s wastewater assets and supports public health and environmental concerns by regulating onsite wastewater systems.