This page has general information about Kaipara roads.
Visit our long term road repairs page for updates on roads damaged by severe weather.
Kaipara District Council's roads network provides accessibility to the residents and visitors within a safe and clean environment.
The services cover the provision and maintenance of the physical components; roads, footpaths, bridges and other structures (e.g. street furniture), lighting, drainage, traffic services and safety (e.g. signage), as well as the planning and management to ensure the network is safe and able to cope with future needs.
Council's Roads and Footpaths Asset consists of:
- 1,614km of formed roads (471km sealed and 1,140km unsealed)
- 354 bridges
- 99km of footpaths
- 2km (sealed) shared paths
- 1,858km water catchment channels
- 1,311 streetlights
- 26km of railings
- 14km of retaining walls
- 10,710 signs
- 15,338 culverts, and
- 152km drainage pipes.
Included in the Asset Management are:
- The maintenance and construction of roads, pedestrian paths and accessways.
- The maintenance of the road reserve including mowing, sweeping, cleaning and weedspraying.
- The maintenance of traffic services including lighting, signs, roadmarking, road name plates and furniture.
- The resealing of the network, rehabilitation and renewal construction, as well as minor safety projects.
- The development of the transportation and traffic networks.
Roading improvements
This is an overview of roading improvement projects by year and location including:
- safety improvements
- new footpaths and cycle paths
- slip repairs
- pavement reconstruction
- resealing
- bridge repairs
Our roading projects align with what we say we will do in our Long Term and Annual Plans, and are funded jointly from your property rates and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
Following February's extreme weather events the Northland Transportation Alliance compiled a document on the Impacts to Northland's Roading Network. This document provides statistics and images of the damage that occurred.
Read the latest updates on long term repairs to roads damaged by severe weather.
Monthly roading reports
For a summary of routine road works and maintenance, have a look at our monthly roading reports