Street Numbers (Urban and RAPID)
Every property has an identifying street number assigned to it that displays your home or business address. There are two systems used to number properties in the Kaipara District - urban numbering and rural RAPID numbering. Street numbers for both systems are assigned by Council on application.
Standards New Zealand and the Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) guidelines influence how street numbers are allocated.
Urban Numbers
Urban numbers are allocated logically and sequentially, with even numbers on the right and odd numbers on the left of the road. Some numbers may be skipped to ensure continuity for future development. It is important that you apply to council to ensure the correct number is allocated to your property.
Clear display of street numbers for easy identification
The following advice is given so that your street number can be easily found by emergency services, postal delivery services and utility providers like power and water meter readers:
- Make sure numbers are big enough to be seen at a glance.
- Use plain, undecorated font for the numbers.
- Avoid spelling out numbers as words as they are difficult to read quickly.
- Make sure the colour of the numbers contrasts with the background. Brass and bronze numbers can be difficult to see.
- Make sure your street numbers are not obstructed by shrubs, trees or decorations.
- Numbers should be clearly seen when approaching from either side of the house, including in the dark.
- If your house is set back from the street, house numbers should be posted at the end of the driveway at the street, at least 1 metre above the ground.
- For multiple house driveways, each address should be posted at the entrance of the driveway and then again at each individual home.
Rural RAPID Numbers
'RAPID' stands for Rural Address Property Identification. Council is responsible for maintaining a database of these numbers, each of which identifies the physical location of a rural property based on its distance from a crossing, intersection or other similar starting point on the road. The starting point is the centre of the parent road from which the road being numbered adjoins.
As well as providing a hub for keeping your property records in good order, RAPID numbers help emergency services and New Zealand Post to locate a property. They are also used for voting purposes to ensure you are placed in the correct electorate.
Council allocates and issues the rapid number plates which are white reflective numbers on a blue background. This will be posted to you so that you can fix it to a fence post or letterbox at your gate in an easily visible location.
Please note: For rural delivery (RD) you will also need to register with NZ Post, you can do this either online or at a NZ Postshop/outlet.
How to apply
You can apply for an Urban number or Rural RAPID number online via the following links:
Alternatively, you can download and complete the following PDF forms and drop it into one of our service centres or email it to:
Or complete the editable pdf version and submit via email to:
Application process
- Apply online or download and fill in the application form as above.
- Make the payment for your application online or in person at one of our service centres.
- We will assess the application and may come back to you, if we require additional information.
- We will allocate your street number and inform you.
- Display your number clearly on your property.
To get a new or replacement RAPID number or enquire about RAPID numbers, contact us on our Freephone 0800 727 059.
Find about costs related to RAPID numbers in our Fees and Charges schedule by using this link.