- Mangawhai Community Wastewater Scheme: Inquiry by the Office of the Auditor-General click here.
- Mangawhai EcoCare Minutes 1999 – 2010
- Mangawhai Infrastructural Assets Study : 3822.0 A report from the Regulatory Support Officer regarding the Action Plan for the implementation of the Mangawhai Infrastructural Assets Study, was circulated. The Action Plan was a direct result of the extensive and thorough public consultation process undertaken and there would be one final round of public meetings to give the public the opportunity to sight the document and make any final comments.
- Attachment 1
- Report by the Assets Leader and Regulatory Support Office on the evaluation of the the tenders received for the Project Management of the Mangawhai Infrastructure Implementation.
- Attachment 2
- Expressions of Interest recommendation
- Attachment 3
- Public excluded agenda 28 August 2002
- Attachment 4
- Recommendation progression of project
- Attachment 5
- Mangawhai Eco Care Project Update 22 May 2003
- Attachment 6
- Ecocare Project Management 8 July 2003
- Attachment 7
- Public excluded agenda 25 February 2004
- Attachment 8
- Public excluded agenda 25 August 2004
- Attachment 9
- Chief Executives Report January 2005
- Attachment 10
- Correspondence from BECCA 23 January 2005
- Attachment 11
- Mangawhai Eco Care discussion paper draft October 2006
- Attachment 12
- Correspondence from BECCA 20 March 2007
- Attachment 13
- Mangawhai Eco Care Proposal to investigate reduced cost Reuse options