How do I apply for a Building Consent?
Before you apply for a building consent, have you considered applying for a Project Information Memorandum (PIM)? Obtaining a PIM is voluntary, however information provided in a PIM may be useful when designing your project. Council recommends that you apply for a PIM prior to the application of a building consent. A PIM can be applied for separately or in conjunction with your Building Consent. Please refer to Project Information Memorandum (PIM) under the Building Guidance & Consents webpage for further details about the use of the PIM.
You need to apply online to take full advantage of the Building Consent Authority’s (BCA) online consenting system, Objective Build. Applying online will give you the opportunity to take full advantage of this system. It provides visibility on the current status of the application as well as the ability to apply for Code Compliance Certificate online when the building work is completed.
You can view the Objective Build system to show how to complete a Building Consent application form online, before you commence this process.
You can find an appropriate checklist here Form 2(R) or Form 2(C)to assist you in preparing your application. It would be an advantage to provide details of the Licensed Building Practitioners (LBPs) to be used for each stage of the project.
On receipt of your application, our Technical Services Team will vet your plans to ensure all relevant information has been provided.
Please note: this is not a technical assessment but merely a check to ensure all necessary information has been provided.
On receipt of your application, and if after vetting, all information necessary has been provided along with your fees, the clock will start the next working day. If your application is declined, it will be returned to you with a list advising the type of information that is required.
How long is my Building Consent valid for?
Building Consents are valid for 12 months from the date of issue. Work must have commenced within the 12 months or the Building Consent shall lapse requiring a new application.
If the project has been delayed, it may be possible to apply for an extension to this time. (Extension of Time for Building Work)
What sort of Information do I need?
Building Consent applications can be complex; we recommend that you engage a professional person to help with design work and drawings. Each application must be accompanied by:
- set of plans and specifications
- if applicable, one set of engineering calculations, accompanied by Producer Statement Design PS1
- wall bracing calculations and, if applicable, a Producer Statement Design Review PS2
- if applicable, an E2 risk matrix (demonstrating weathertightness features) and
- and the fee.
For more detailed information refer to the Building Consent checklists below