Land Information Memoranda (LIMs)


A Land Information Memorandum is a report prepared by Council which provides a summary of property information. Property information is stored on Council databases and collected from all relevant departments in Council.

Download and complete a LIM application form​. You will need to provide:​​​

  • street address;
  • legal description, e.g. Lot and DP(s);
  • current owner;
  • current and appropriate Certificate of Title; and
  • the appropriate fee.

LIM Fees

The cost of a LIM is $340.00

LIM’s are issued in an electronic format. Should you require a printed copy there is an additional $30.00 cost.

All LIM Fees are available in our Fees and Charges.

Processing LIMs

A LIM report takes up to ten (10) working days to complete.  At time of completion Council will email a copy of the LIM at the applicant’s request.

More information about LIMs

Certificate of Title

It is preferred that a Certificate of Title (CT) is attached, as it ensures accuracy.  This CT can be obtained from Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) or a copy can be obtained from your lawyer or real estate agent.  If property is a cross lease or unit title the exact area or unit must be identified. If the land is part of a current subdivision the underlying CT is required or a 224(c) Certificate.

Council can obtain the CT for you, should one not be supplied. The CT will be for the property as per the legal description provided on the application form. The CT will not be sent to you as part of the LIM. Council cannot be held responsible for an incorrect CT if the legal description has been provided incorrectly.

Cancellation policy

For a full refund of the fee an application must be cancelled within 24 hours of lodging the application.  After this, depending on what work has been undertaken, a partial refund may be available. Please contact us if you wish to cancel.

Why you should get a LIM?

If you are buying a property, a LIM may answer some important questions about the property and any associated buildings. If you are selling a property, a LIM is a way of informing potential buyers.

A LIM provides you the opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have regarding Council requirements, matters or issues, and to obtain advice from your solicitor.  Banks and insurance companies may require a LIM to protect their investment.

Please be aware that only a current LIM is valid for the purpose of a Sale and Purchase Agreement.  Also, a LIM report does not include a physical inspection of the property.

Further information can be found at Land Information New Zealand.

What's in a LIM

Building Consents, Licenses and Requisitions

  • Reference to building permits or consents issued on the property (Plans will be supplied);
  • Any outstanding works or Code Compliance certificates for consents issued since 1993;
  • If a compliance schedule has been issued for the building and when the related warrant of fitness expires;
  • Any other notice, order, or requisition affecting the land or any building on the land previously issued by Council;
  • The status of the land in relation to contamination of soil by hazardous substances; and
  • Whether the property has a licence relating to the Sale of Food, the Sale of Liquor, or other licence (under the Health Act 1956).

Swimming Pool

Whether the property has a swimming pool known to Council; and
In accordance with the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987, if an inspection is required in relation to the swimming pool fencing, an additional fee is payable before inspection is undertaken.


  • Current rating valuation;
  • Annual rates levy;
  • Penalties charged during the year;
  • Outstanding amounts for current instalment period;
  • Rates arrears;
  • Water charges (commercial only);
  • District Plan Information;
  • Zoning of the property as defined by Operative and/or Proposed District Plan;
  • Environmental Protection Overlay;
  • Whether the site is listed as a Heritage Item, Heritage Precinct, or Archaeological, Historic or Cultural Overlay;
  • Notable Trees on the site;
  • All current and valid resource consents approved in relation to the property; and
  • Notified resource consent applications in process at the subject site and adjoining properties.

Public Works

Any proposed public works that may directly affect the property, where it is known.

Drainage and Water

Information on public stormwater and wastewater pipelines on the property as shown on Council's log plans.  Water table location. Private drainage plans will be provided if available.

Special Features

Such as erosion, subsidence, filling, flooding, avulsion, falling debris, slippage, alluvium or inundation and soil report in relation to the property, where Council has such information available.

Information that you will NOT receive in a LIM

  • Information in relation to state highways please contact NZ Transport Agency ;
  • Plans for and activities on any Parks and Reserves in the vicinity of the property;
  • Kaipara District Council does not hold any information concerning electricity and gas and telephone connections;
  • Information may be obtained from the relevant utility companies;
  • Non-notified resource consent application in process on the subject site; and
  • Any decisions on adjacent property.

*Disclaimer: You are applying for a Land Information Memorandum.  Information supplied may contain information that has been supplied by a third party and to which Council cannot state it is reliable or accurate. Kaipara District Council advises that such third party information be subject to further checking for accuracy by the Applicant.  In addition, Kaipara District Council will not accept any liability whatsoever, or subsequent loss, attributed to the third party information.