Drought and Water Restrictions

Water levels in Kaipara 

11 March 2025

Level 4 restrictions are in place for:

  • Baylys Beach
  • Dargaville

NOTE TO WATER CARRIERS IN THE DARGAVILLE/BAYLYS BEACH AREA: Under Level 3 restrictions the Dargaville truckfiller is unavailable. 

There are currently no restrictions for the rest of the Kaipara District.

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Level restrictions are assessed based on water flow readings, as part of our Drought Management Plan. 

For Rainfall and River data please refer to NRC

Technical Information

  1. Northland Regional Council Water Information
  2. Rainfall Maps
  3. River and Rainfall Data
  4. Hydrology Situation Reports (NRC)
  5. DHB Drinking Water Sources

What is Council doing to improve Dargaville's water supply?

We are acutely aware that water supply for Dargaville is a real challenge during the summer months and there needs to be a solution to increase the security of Dargaville’s water supply. If we do not do anything we will continue to see our residents facing water restrictions during summer which leads to decreased business and resident confidence.

Under the previous Three Waters legislative direction, Council didn’t have to budget for these costs. Following disestablishment of the Three Waters programme in December 2023, we brought investigations to improve Dargaville’s water supply back inhouse. Council committed in the Long Term Plan 2024 – 2027 to invest in improving water supply and increase capacity through consent renewal, alternative water sources and storage solutions.

We are currently investigating two options – either connecting to the Te Tai Tokerau Water Trust or upgrading the Waiatua Dam. Current estimates for each of these options are between $16 and $17 million. We hope to have an update on this as part of the Annual Plan process for next year (2025/2026).