Land slips are complex and it takes time to fix them.
Land slips can be slow and complex to restore. Changes to the landscape above or beneath roads and footpaths pose a risk of sliding further at the next rainfall event, and may need cautious assessment and professionally designed solutions in order to make them safe.
- Slips can’t always be fixed quickly, especially when they’re in remote areas with limited access.
- We need to investigate and assess sites that require technical expertise, which can take time.
- This information helps us to come up with a plan on what’s the best way to repair the damage.
If you have been affected by a slip
Is it an emergency?
- If there is an immediate safety risk call 111.
- If you can smell gas call 111.
- If your property is affected, contact your insurance provider as soon as possible.
- If a public road or footpath looks unstable and has a risk of moving, or you can safely determine that a slip is about to happen, please call us on 0800 727 059 or 09 439 7059 (24 hours).
- If you have no power, call your electricity provider.
- If a dangerous hazard is posed by the electricity network (such as damaged poles or downed/clashing power lines) contact Northpower on 0800 10 40 40.
- If your water pipe is broken- turn off the mains and contact Council on 0800 727 059 or 09 439 7059 (24 hours).
Staying safe in a slip
- Stay away from the slip area, this is dangerous and should be avoided.
- Follow signs and stay behind safety barriers and at least 1m behind cones and other delineation devices.
- Please do not attempt to travel through closed sections of the road. This can cause further damage and risk to your safety and the safety of others.
- Sightseeing is discouraged especially in Resident-only access areas. This puts already vulnerable roads under stress and causes safety risks. Access is only for those who live in these areas.
- Have a plan and be ready to leave quickly if you need to, especially in areas prone to slips.
- Do not attempt to voluntarily clear fallen trees or debris, excavate slips or roads in these areas. It is unsafe. Please leave it to emergency response crews and contractors as they have safety assessment procedures in place. Whilst it can look safe, there can be stability issues in the ground beneath.
- In some places, it’s unsafe to open the road to even one lane of traffic, due to the nature of the damage, and the unknown stability of the remaining road surface.
- If you think it will be a safety risk, call 111.
Slips on public road or footpath
If a slip has caused a blockage on a public road or footpath, call us on 0800 727 059, or 09 439 7059 (24 hours).
You can also report the slip online - note that online service requests are actioned in business hours on weekdays.
Slips on private land
The owner of private land is responsible for repairing damage to their own land including repairing any slips on their land due to storm events. That work may require the landowner to stabilise their own land to prevent further slips on it.
- Repair and reinstatement of vehicle crossings (where the driveway leaves the legal boundary of a property and continues until it meets the road. It allows vehicles to cross over berms or footpaths to access the road) is the responsibility of private landowners. Private landowners are directed to Kaipara District Council Public Places Bylaw. See Chapter 11, Part 2 of the Consolidated General Bylaw 2020.
- If a private landowner has constructed an accessway to their property on an unformed road (either with or without the approval of Council) Council is not responsible for maintaining or repairing that accessway. It is an offence under the Local Government Act 1974 to do work on the road without Council’s approval.
- In the case of private land or property damaged in recent storm events, the owner of that land or property should contact their insurance provider to discuss the damage.
- A private landowner may be able to make a claim with EQC for slips on their land. Landowners should contact EQC to find out if they qualify for cover. Visit the EQC website or call 0800 DAMAGE (0800 326 243).
- If a private landowner is unsure where their property boundary exists, they should get in touch with Council on 0800 727 059.
Earthquake Commission (EQC) responsibility
If your home is insured, you may be covered by The Earthquake Commission (EQC) for a natural landslip. The EQC is a New Zealand Crown entity that provides insurance to residential property and invests in natural disaster research and education.
For more information visit the EQC website or call on 0800 DAMAGE (0800 326 243).
Slips affecting both public and private land
Where a slip affects both private property and public roads, this may require discussions between the private landowner and Council as to repairs.
- Any private assets (such as garages, fences and other structures) located on the road require Council’s approval for that encroachment. Those assets (including their repair) are the responsibility of the private landowner.
- Repairing damage to a driveway is the responsibility of the private landowner.
- Repairing damage to a vehicle crossing is the responsibility of the private landowner.
- In the first instance, private landowners should ask their insurance providers what is covered by their insurance.
- Please contact us if you need assistance to identify your boundary.