While the ideal is for everybody to be responsible for their own safety and well-being during and after an emergency, the reality is that some will need assistance because of their personal circumstances or the level of disruption they face in their lives.
The response pyramid on the left shows the sequence of levels of assistance that are available to support those unable to look after themselves.
If family and neighbours cannot provide the level of help required, contact the nearest Civil Defence Post. If you think you can offer help in your area, this is the place to contact, otherwise stay home.
People from the local community may be there coordinating local assistance, but this may take time.
These people will be in communication with the Emergency Operations Centre established at Dargaville and Whangarei.
The ‘Kaipara District Emergency Operations Centre’ is the focal point for the management of disaster response operations in the Kaipara District.
The Civil Defence Controller will be supported by the senior people from health and emergency services, welfare agencies and many other services and organisations. Staff of the Council are trained as part of their normal employment to carry out operational functions in an emergency.
Should the situation in the Kaipara District be extremely serious central government will co-ordinate national and possibly international support to come to our aid.