Private Plan Change 3 - Northcity Developments

Private Plan Change No.3 proposes to change the zone of Lot 1 DP 341981 (7,863m2) at the corner of Estuary, Molesworth and Norfolk Drives from Residential (Harbour Overlay) to Business Commercial (Harbour Overlay).

Plan change made operative.

There were no appeals received to the Commissioner’s decision, and so Council resolved to adopt the plan change at a Council meeting on 14 August 2017. This was followed by a public notice published in the Northern Advocate 22 September 2017, and the plan change became operative on 01 October 2017.

Decision released

The Commissioners' have now made their Final Decision.  Any person who made a submission may appeal the Decision. The appeal must be on the prescribed form and lodged with the Environment Court within 30 days of the Decision being notified.

Hearing of Private Plan Change No.3

The plan change hearing was held on 13 April 2017 at the Mangawhai Club located at 219 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai. 

View the Section 42A PPC3 Hearing Report.

Process to date

The Summary of Submissions was released with the further submission period being publicly notified on Friday 18 November 2016. The further submission period closed on Friday 02 December 2017.

The original submissions have been annotated to show where the summaries were extracted from.

Summary of Plan Change

Private Plan Change No.3 proposes to change the zone of Lot 1 DP 341981 (7,863m2) at the corner of Estuary, Molesworth and Norfolk Drives, Mangawhai Heads from Residential (Harbour overlay) to Business Commercial (Harbour Overlay).
It is also proposed to limit the height of buildings to eight (8) metres in an area identified on the site where the site adjoins the Residential Zone. It is also proposed to include a new rule relating to landscape and design of buildings and to include CPTED principles (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design). All other rules for the Business Commercial Zone are to apply as currently written in the Kaipara District Plan.
Kaipara District Council publicly notified Private Plan Change No.3 on Friday 19 August 2016. The submission period closed  on Friday 23 September 2016.

Volume 1 - Section 32 Evaluation Report
Appendix 1 - District Plan Amendments to Provisions and Planning Map
Appendix 2 - Approved Land Use Consent Plan
Appendix 3 - RMO5371 Decision and Environment Court Order
Appendix 4 - Locality Plan
Appendix 5 - Topographical Plan
Appendix 6 - District Plan Map Set and Analysis
Appendix 7 - Molesworth Peninsula Development Capacity Assessment
Appendix 8 - Economic Impact Assessment Report prepared by ME Consultants
Appendix 9 - Mangawhai Catchment Settlement Analysis / Site Analysis
Appendix 10 - Geotechnical Report (prepared by Cook Costello)
Appendix 11 - Service Plan and Molesworth Drive Roading Upgrade Plans / Wastewater
Appendix 12 - Wastewater and Drainage Bylaw
Appendix 13 - Stormwater Report prepared by Morphum Consultants
Appendix 14 - Traffic Impact Assessment
Appendix 15 - Fire Report and NZFS Correspondence
Appendix 16 - Consultation with Te Uri o Hau
Appendix 17 - Landscape and Visual Assessment (prepared by Threshold Associates) prepared for past land use consent
Appendix 18 - Acoustic Report (prepared by Marshall Day) prepared for past land use consent
Appendix 19 - NES Assessment (Contaminants in Soil to protect human health) prepared by ENGEO Consultants
Appendix 20 - Consultation Report and Community Feedback
Appendix 21 - Northland Regional Council Northland Mapping Project
Appendix 22 - Residential and Commercial Provision Table Analysis
Appendix 23 - Scale and Significance Assessment
Appendix 24 - Certificate of Title
Appendix 25 - Resource Management Act Checklist