Email if you would like a copy of the LGOIMA listed below.
December 2018
- Alan Preston Solutions to enhance traffic flows through Mangawhai Village
- Peta Berry Chicken Farms in Kaipara
- Housing NZ Noise complaints for 76 Gordon Street, Dargaville
- Andrew Lawler Swimming Pool inspections
- Charlotte Wilson Sale of Tomarata Road property and dwelling at campground
- Kristy Hoare Consents for solar photovoltaic systems
- Henderson Reeves Tangiteroria Tavern water samples
- Steve Hull Complaints and processing - Dargaville Funeral Services
November 2018
- Clive Boonham Legal advice relating to oldest debt first policy
- Clive Boonham Crown Manager reports
- Clive Boonham Payments to Graham Sibery
- Katie Scotcher Bullying and harassment complaints
- Peter Rothwell Number of subdivision applications
- Taxpayers Union Payments to Industry and Lobby groups
- Taxpayers Union Payments to associations
- Julia Wade Dogs at 293 Kings Road
- Stuff NZ Staff Christmas expenses
- Taxpayers Union On hold music costs
- Taxpayers Union Council fleet number and costs
- Taxpayers Union Electricity costs
- Taxpayers Union A4 printer/copier paper costs
- Taxpayers Union Costs of Koha
- Taxpayers Union Staff salaries over $200,000
- Andrew Watkins Building consent statistics
October 2018
- Clive Boonham Reason for late delivery of rates invoices (3rd query)
- Peter Rothwell Property file for Lot 31 DP 152387
- Joel Cayford Mangawhai Point subdivision - Jessie Trust
- Joel Cayford Wastewater Development Contributions payable and triggers
- Gary Serjeant Personal complaints
- AA Northland Parking infringements and revenue generated
- Aaron Norman Dog control in Dargaville
- Kerry Sorensen-Tyrer Recycling
- Henderson Reeves Transferred from WDC – Tangiteroria Tavern water sample
- Clive Boonham Incorrect rates invoices
September 2018
- Peter Rothwell 41 Kahurangi Lane property information
- Mina Henare Li Liangran Subdivision
- Clive Boonham Reason for late delivery of rates notices
- Mina Henare Tinopai Emergency Service Building
- Hilary C Council's Code of Conduct Policy
August 2018
- Consents for 111 Kai Iwi Lakes Road
- Concrete work completed on lower Tara Road
- Stormwater - 68 Jack Boyd Drive, Mangawhai Heads
- Flights and International Trips
- Te Kopuru Wastewater
- Dogs uplifted from Te Kopuru and Dargaville
- Taxpayers Union Auditor and borrowing costs
- Clive Boonham Reason for late delivery of rates notices
- Taxpayers Union Employees involved with Provincial Growth Fund and emails
- Philip MacDonald Capital infrastructure projects and costs
- Clive Boonham Legal costs and payment to Peter Winder
- Taxpayers Union Mayors vehicle
- Craig Moriarty Mangawhai Wastewater Scheme
July 2018
- Number of employees in public library service
- Average Council Rates
- Communications RE: Lot 2 DP 330158 and Lot 47 DP 378455
- Buildings on Lot 1 DP 434546
- Tangowahine Valley Drainage District
- Consent information for 49 Devich Road
- Property Information for Lot 1 DP 481468
- Childcare Providers