Feedback on proposed fees and charges for 2024/2025 is now closed.
Every year Kaipara District Council reviews its fees and charges. Fees and charges are used to support the operation and maintenance of a variety of services provided to the community. They are set on a user-pays basis to ensure that rate increases are kept to a minimum where possible.
This year a 3.5 percent increase has been incorporated to many fees to account for current inflation, in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Other fees have changed or decreased.
Read the proposed fees and charges showing the changes between the current Fees and Charges and the proposed Fees and Charges for 2024/2025.
Giving us your feedback
The feedback period was open for one month from Tuesday 09 April 2024 to Thursday 09 May 2024.
After feedback has been received a hearing with Council may take place to hear from submitters, followed by deliberations on any matters raised through the hearing process.
The final Fees and Charges for 2024/2025 will then be taken to the May Council meeting for approval, with Fees and Charges then set for the coming year, following the Council decision.
Please note that there a number of Fees and Charges are set by statute and do not go through consultation.