Kaipara Mayor's Taskforce for Economic Support and Recovery

Welcome to the Kaipara Mayor's Taskforce for Economic Support and Recovery.

Taskforce Survey

Kaipara District Council is working towards providing an effective community support package for Kaipara businesses and residents, as we move through the Covid-19 crisis.

Our People's Panel recently undertook a survey to provide local information to assist with economic recovery and support.

Kaipara people and businesses have been hard hit by the COVID-19 outbreak, like many other places both here in New Zealand and around the world.  This economic shock is severe and will have serious consequences on our communities.  But unlike the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, it is not based on underlying economic systemic failure.  It is a halt rather than a collapse.

The task facing us now is to reactivate our communities and businesses as quickly as we can. Councils have a role in helping to lead this re-stimulation and this is our approach.

We will network, advocate, inform, support and work together to lead our communities through this. This is the Kaipara Mayor's Taskforce for Economic Recovery and Support. 

Taskforce Toolkit

Council Hardship and Support

Council is establishing a hardship support package that will target help to where it is needed most across our District.

Data and Intelligence Gathering

We are running surveys of residents and businesses and working in partnership with other agencies to gather data and intelligence. This will inform the design of ongoing activities to support our communities.

Kaipara Economic Statistics and Intelligence

There are a number of sources of economic statistics and business intelligence that businesses (and residents) might find useful when thinking about these changing times.

If there is more information that you feel would be helpful, please get in touch with either the Mayor or Deputy Mayor and we’ll do our best to track down that information.

Network Building

We are building strong networks with agencies, partners and business and community leaders to make sure that we have access to the help we need. These networks will also help to inform our programmes of work. 


We will advocate strongly to the appropriate agencies to help to fill gaps that we find. Sitting back and waiting is not an option. We will demand the help that will support our communities through this.

Information Sharing

We will share information with our communities, with businesses and with agencies and partners to achieve the best outcomes. Our communication activities will be elevated to make sure you know what help is available.

Industry and Sector Support

Where a particular industry or community sector (for example Maori or youth) is identified as having specific needs or being more seriously affected we will work with partner agencies to put measures in place to target support where it is needed most.

Infrastructure Fast Track

Council has the ability to fast track some of our existing infrastructure projects and to access government money for additional projects. We will do this where the projects create employment and ongoing economic benefits for our District.

In the News and Useful links


News and Media Updates

Useful Links

Council's Covid-19 page

Covid-19 Central government page

Connected (Connecting New Zealanders to Employment, Education and Training)

Drought Information

Business Support Grants

Northland Inc

Northland Inc Business Support Helpline: 0800 525 001


Mental Health Services (MoH)

Northland Chamber of Commerce

Ministry of Social Development

Te Puni Kōkiri

Ministry of Primary Industries

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Kaipara Kickstart PGF Programme

Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Tourism Support


Disclaimer: Please note that the content on the third party webpages above are not under Kaipara District Council control and may be subject to change without notice.  We recommend that you check back on these pages regularly to keep up to date.