What is a Plan Change?
A Plan Change is an amendment to an operative District Plan. There are several reasons for doing a Plan Change, including meeting emerging community needs or new legislative requirements. How Plan Changes proceed is governed by the Resource Management Act 1991.
Plan Changes can be initiated by Council or members of the public. When Plan Changes are initiated by members of the public these are called Private Plan Changes, and in some cases councils choose to take over a Private Plan Change on behalf of the community. Plan Changes always require community consultation as part of the process.
Current Plan Changes
Completed Plan Changes and corrections since 2013
Plan corrections
These are plan changes that are not required to go through a formal public process as they are minor in nature.
Clause 20A changes to the legend of both Series One and Series Two to provide for Development Area Maps
Refining NZ Company Limited Designation Conditions adopted 30 May 2019
Conditions attached to Designation D63 were omitted and are now included in the District Plan
Clause 20A correction of the District Plan maps for Chases Gorge Camp at Baylys Beach
The wrong maps were included in the District Plan and have been replaced with the correct maps.
Clause 20A correction of the District Plan Maps re Underlying Zonings of Designations and cadastral corrections
This notice deals with the corrections of various maps with regards to split zonings, updating of road stoppings or realignment of paper roads and the underlying zonings of Designations or Notices of Requirements which are inconsistent with the text of the District Plan.
The following corrections were made to the District Plan Maps Split Zonings:
- Accept a list of properties, which have a split zoning;
- Correct the access road location along Shag Lake;
- Correct the zoning of stopped road on the corner of Gladstone and Victoria Streets;
- Correct the alignment of the previous paper road to the location of the permanent road on the Mangawhai Peninsula.
Correct the underlying zonings according to the provisions in the Operative District Plan Schedule:
- 16 Designations from Rural to Residential
- 5 Designations from Rural to Commercial
- 2 Designations from Rural to Industrial
- 5 Designations from no zoning to Rural; and
- 1 Designation from Rural to Maori Land
All the maps have been replaced with the operative date 26/02/2020
Correction to the Traffic Intensity calculation for forestry
To correct Note 4 to Rule 12.10.18 regarding Traffic Intensity in line with the Court’s Consent Order
Corrections to the cross-reference numbering in Plan Change 78 Mangawhai Central
To correct the wrongly transferred numbering of certain cross reference numbering
Clause 20A correction of cross references in the provisions for Estuary Estates (Mangawhai Central)
Correcting cross reference numbering of various rules in the provisions of Estuary Estates (Mangawhai Central) that occurred in consolidating the decisions on Plan Change 78.
- See changes and minutes
Clause 20A correction of maps related to RMU79 Kaihu Local Purpose Reserve
Removing the RMU79 notation from the larger area to cover only the Esplanade Reserve on Lot 2 DP159470 along the Kaihu River
- See changes and minutes
Clause 20A corrections to the Operative District Plan – Chapter 16: Estuary Estates
Correcting the minor errors (incorrect cross referencing of provisions) within the Operative District Plan
- See changes and minutes
Withdrawn or declined plan changes
(Private) Plan Change 1 (finalised July 2017)
Private Plan Change 1 by the Li Liangren Family Trust (“Trust”) sought to rezone 4.78 hectares of a 20.2896 hectare site on the southern side of Komiti Road, Tinopai, described as Lot 1 DP 403278, from Rural (Harbour Overlay) to Residential (Harbour Overlay).
Plan Change 2 (finalised September 2016)
Fire Safety was notified in response to implementation and compliance issues that caused some frustration within the Kaipara community. It was withdrawn in 2016.
Operative plan changes
Private Plan Change 84 - Mangawhai Hills Limited
PPC84 rezones 218.3 hectares of land between Tara Road, Cove, Road, Moir Road and Old Waipu Road in Mangawhai from Rural to Residential.
Private Plan Change 83 - Cove Road North Precinct Plan (The Rise Limited)
PPC83 rezones 56.9 hectares of land at Cove Road and Mangawhai Head Road from Rural to Residential.
Private Plan Change 82 - Awakino Precinct Plan (Moonlight Heights)
PPC82 seeks to rezone 39.2 hectares of land at Awakino Road Dargaville from Rural to Residential.
Private Plan Change 81 - Trifecta Development Area (Dargaville Racecourse)
PPC81 rezones the rural zone of the site of 47ha to a mixture of residential, light industrial, neighbourhood centre and open space.
Private Plan Change 78 – Mangawhai Central
Mangawhai Central is a planned large-scale development that includes commercial, retail and residential centres connecting the Mangawhai village and Heads. This land is owned by Mangawhai Central Limited. The area comprises of approximately 130 hectares of land located on the upper Mangawhai Harbour.
Plan Change (National Environment Standard) - Plantation Forestry
Council confirmed at the 25 October 2018 meeting to approve amendments to the Operative District Plan in accordance with the requirements of the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry Regulations 2017, in accordance with sections 44A(4), (5) and (6) of the Resource Management Act.
Plan Change 4 Fire Safety Rules
Fire Safety was notified in response to implementation and compliance issues that caused some frustration within the Kaipara community.
(Private) Plan Change 3 (operative October 2017)
Private Plan Change 3 proposes to change the zone of Lot 1 DP 341981 (7,863m2) at the corner of Estuary, Molesworth and Norfolk Drives from Residential (Harbour Overlay) to Business Commercial (Harbour Overlay).
Inclusion of Designation D66 NZTA Matakohe Bridges
To include the Matakohe Bridges as Designation D66 in the District Plan. Conditions to follow.
Alteration of Designation D53 State Highway 12 Matakohe D53/1
To provide for safety improvements at the intersection of D53 and D66 with the re- alignment of State Highway 12 at Matakohe. Conditions to follow and also affected by Resource Consent RM180468.
Correction of the First Gas Designation D62
To correct Designation D62 First Gas by changing:
- the name from Vector Gas Ltd to First Gas Ltd;
- to align the location more visible; and
- to incorporate the conditions applicable to the gas pipeline.
- See changes
And the conditions associated to the designation